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1990 floods in the U.S.: a descriptive report of flooding in the Southern States




Clark, John R., author
Colorado Water Resources Research Institute, publisher

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The year of 1990 will be remembered by many in the southern United States as a record year for extreme rainfall and disastrous flooding events. People in Alabama and Georgia recall the floods of 1929 and 1961 as almost as significant. Residents in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas will speak of 1927, 1945 and 1989 as being memorable. The year 1990 is significant because rarely, if ever, have devastating rainfall and runoff events occupied so many people in so many states across our country for so long a time period. This report is a summary of information of these events, bringing together the causes, responses, first-hand impressions and commentary of the widespread flooding of 1990. It will introduce relationships observed between hydrologic and social influences apparent in these memorable and significant events. Data sources are made available in the library of the Colorado Water Resources Research Institute for in-depth review and further study.


November 1990.

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Floods -- Southern States


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